On April 1st, 2025 the Alberta government will introduce the next phase of their affordability funding approach as mandated by the Canada-Alberta Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CACWELCC). CACWELCC is a universal system mandated by the Federal Government to provide all families, regardless of income and region, the same access to childcare at $15 a day and that Childcare Centers charge a flat and predictable rate for basic care.

Please note that the Child Care Subsidy program is no longer available in Alberta for children 12 months through Kindergarten age.

Basic Monthly Fees

Below are the fees for receiving basic childcare at Tot Spot Academy:

Baby to Half Day Kinder

12 months – Kindergarten Age

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

Full Day Kindergarten

Kindergarten Age

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

Two days a week enrollment is dependent on classroom availability and scheduling.

Out of School Care (OSC) and full-day kindergarten programs do not fall under the updated 2025 CACWELCC funding model. Monthly rates are below and still qualify for the subsidy amounts prior to the updated funding model.

Out of School Care

Grades 1-6

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

OSC Summer Care Rates

Kindergarten Age to Grade 6

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

Supplementary Services and Fees

Tot Spot Academy offers additional services such as hot lunch and snacks, supplemental programming, and the Brightwheel app for an additional monthly fee that will be added to parent’s monthly invoice. Parents have the option to opt out of the supplemental services if they choose to do so and be provided only basic care.

Food Service

The food service at Tot Spot Academy offers children healthy and nutritious morning and afternoon snacks, as well as a tasty hot lunch that is served with milk. The service fee covers the cost of providing two snacks and a hot lunch from a local caterer as well as milk served with lunch. The food service fees are below:

Baby & Toddler

12 Months to 3 Years

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week


3 Years to Kinder

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

* Please note that all fees are subject to change if our suppliers increase their rates. 

Parents who choose to opt out of the food program must supply their child with 2 snacks, lunch, and drinks such as milk each day. Parents who send hot meals must pre-heat them and store them in a thermos as we will not be preparing them. Perishable food such as milk, yogurt or meats must use ice packs to ensure they remain cool throughout the day. Lunchboxes will be stored in your child’s cubby. We are able to help open containers but lunches will be served in the containers they are sent from home using parent supplied utensils. Containers will be returned in their lunch kits each day to be washed at home.

Parents who have opted out of the food program and forget to provide food for the day will be charged $15.00 a day for food as we will be required to make it on site and it will be added on to the next invoice. 

Supplemental Programming Service

We also have a supplementary programming fee on top of our regular rates that cover the costs activities led by external instructors that provide new fun and diverse experiences for the children in our care. Our aim is to provide additional physical, musical, artistic programming delivered by the top rated professionals in their respective fields. This will offer a more well rounded early childhood education bolstered by a variety of experiences. A few examples of these new supplemental activities we offer are music and dancing with Kindermusik, physical activities such as Glow Yoga Kids, and learning activities such as visits from  instructors from Oasis Reptile.

Each month, along with the newsletter, we will send out the schedule and description of these activities. It must be noted that in order for your child to participate in these activities, there will be an additional monthly fee on top of your regular parent fee.

Please note that there are no a-la-carte options for supplemental programming. You can opt to participate or not participate in the monthly activities but you can not pay by activity. The fee breakdown is below:

Baby Tots

12 months – 19 Months

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

Toddler Tots

Toddler Tots

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

Preschool Tots

3 years – Kinder

  • $
    Full Week
  • $
    2 Days/Week

* Please note that all fees are subject to change if our suppliers increase their rates. 

Brightwheel App Service

Currently we use Brightwheel app as a communication tool with families. It offers parents a direct line to our teachers throughout the day to coordinate pickups, drop offs, or pass along any special instructions. We also use it to provide daily updates on activities such as naps, potty breaks, and meals. However, the most popular feature of the app is that it allows us to pass along photos and videos we take of your child throughout the day.  Parents  can choose if they want to opt in or out of the service for $5.00 per month which is exactly how much we pay for each child’s license. Note that two parents can to subscribe to one child for the $5.00 monthly fee. Those who opt out will still receive the newsletter and program planning via email.

* Please note that all fees are subject to change if our suppliers increase their rates.

Opting in or Out

You are required to choose if you want to initially opt in or out of all supplemental services. From there, your response will be valid unless you choose to change your choice. There is no need to opt in or out each month. If you would like to change your choices, changes must be requested by the 15th of the previous month. This provides us with enough time to make adjustments on our end. Example: to opt out of October supplemental programming, food, and Brightwheel  we need to know by September 15th. After your initial response, further opting in/out must be done by reaching out to the director of your center. 

Registration Fee

Tot Spot Academy also charges a one-time registration fee of $100 per child to cover administrative and onboarding costs. This is fee will be included on the first month’s invoice.